Why Many Empaths Prefer Being Single

As humans, we all have the ability to share and connect through energy, but for some individuals, this connection goes deeper. They possess a natural gift of heightened sensitivity to the energy that surrounds them, making them more receptive to the emotions and feelings of others. This intuitive ability allows them to empathize with others on a deeper level and experience the world around them in a unique and profound way.

Empaths experience a powerful flow of energy between themselves and others, which can sometimes make navigating various types of relationships incredibly challenging. Whether it’s a platonic, romantic, family, or work-related connections, empaths are always attuned to the emotional states of others, whether they realize it or not. This heightened sensitivity can be both a gift and a burden, as they feel the emotions of others deeply and may struggle to maintain their own emotional boundaries.

An empath is a person who possesses an extraordinary level of sensitivity to the energy and emotions radiating from people, animals, and the world around them. They have a unique ability to scan and understand the energy fields of others, allowing them to intuitively pick up on past, present, and even future thoughts and emotions. They are also able to intuitively sense another person’s emotional, mental, and physical state with remarkable accuracy.

When empaths develop an intimate connection with another person, whether it be through physical intimacy or healing practices, they open themselves up on a deep, heart-centred level. In doing so, they expose their energy fields, leaving themselves vulnerable to the energy of others, which can intermingle and blend with their own.

Being highly attuned to energy can cause empaths to experience overwhelming feelings, overstimulation, and even chronic fatigue, especially when they are absorbing the energy of someone they are intimately connected with. As a result, some empaths may struggle to maintain long-term relationships, as they require a significant amount of alone time, personal space, and freedom to recharge and restore their energy levels.

Ironically, empaths can also become deeply enmeshed in the relationships they choose to pursue, as they cherish the opportunity to experience profound connections with others. Despite the potential emotional and physical toll, empaths are drawn to the intensity of these relationships, as they feel deeply fulfilled by the depth of their emotional and energetic connections.

Empaths can experience burnout when intimately involved with others, as they often give far more of themselves than they should. In relationships, they are known to pour their heart and soul into their connections, and if there is not an equal exchange of energy, they can become emotionally drained and depleted.

There are numerous reasons that influence the success or failure of a relationship, and when an empath is involved, the likelihood of long-term success can be significantly lower. This reality is one reason why many empaths choose to remain single, often preferring introversion over the complexities of relationships.

Empaths are able to read people instantly, as they have a unique ability to sense the intentions, motivations, and traits that individuals try to conceal. This intuitive awareness allows them to see beyond surface-level interactions and understand the hidden dynamics at play in any given situation.

While empaths excel at reading others, this ability can falter when they become emotionally invested in someone. Strong emotions can cloud their intuition, making it challenging to maintain objectivity and see beyond their feelings. This can lead to empaths ignoring their inner knowing, especially when they are strongly drawn to energetically connect with someone they are attracted to. In such situations, the empath may struggle to figure the truth and make clear decisions.

This is one of the primary reasons why empaths are known to become entangled in unhealthy and dysfunctional relationships with individuals that have traits associated with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Their emotional investment can lead them to ignore their intuitive senses and warning signs, causing them to overlook red flags and enter into toxic relationships.

Despite their efforts to trust their instincts, empaths can struggle to do so when they are with someone who attempts to gaslight or manipulate them into doubting their own perceptions. Without tangible evidence, they may attempt to believe their partner’s explanations, but the unease and suspicion will persist in the empath’s mind.

If an empath’s trust is broken, they may choose to continue the relationship, opening themselves up to the possibility of further hurt. However, in an effort to protect themselves, they may put up a wall of emotional barriers and question their partner relentlessly to ease the internal friction caused by the breach of trust. Unfortunately, when trust diminishes, so too does the relationship, and empaths will often end a connection due to feeling unloved or experiencing broken trust.

Empaths possess an extraordinary level of compassion, and their capacity for understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness is immense. However, this quality can also put them in danger, as they may give others numerous chances to change and evolve past harmful behavioral patterns. While this level of compassion can be admirable, it can also lead to empaths tolerating mistreatment or abuse, leading to emotional and physical harm. This is a challenging dilemma for empaths, as their natural inclination toward forgiveness and empathy can make it difficult to establish and maintain healthy boundaries.

When empaths don’t establish healthy boundaries, they may become susceptible to various forms of abuse, as some individuals view their forgiving and empathetic nature as a weakness to exploit. This can lead to empaths experiencing anxiety, low self-esteem, and a diminished sense of self-worth, as they mistakenly believe that they deserve the mistreatment they receive. This cycle of abuse can be incredibly damaging, causing them to question their judgment and trust their own perceptions.

Empaths often take full responsibility for how others behave toward them and for any issues that arise in their relationships. They possess a great deal of compassion and can easily recognize the emotional baggage of others, leading them to make excuses for harmful behavior. Unfortunately, this tendency can be detrimental to their emotional and physical well-being. By shouldering all the blame, empaths can become enablers, allowing the toxic behavior of others to persist and further harm themselves.

Empaths have an innate ability to heal, which makes them highly attractive to individuals who are struggling with emotional wounds or in need of healing. Not only do empaths feel a strong pull towards these individuals, but those who are in need of healing are also naturally drawn to them. This magnetic quality can be both a gift and a burden, as empaths may find themselves constantly encountering individuals in need of their support and guidance.

This dynamic can create a rocky foundation for relationships to be built upon, as opposed to being a mutual, give-and-take relationship that is healthy, balanced, and equal. In such situations, the empath may find themselves doing the majority of the giving, while the wounded individual energetically takes everything that the empath has to offer. Over time, this can cause the empath to become emotionally drained, fatigued, and burnt out.

When empaths take on their partner’s suffering or challenges, they can quickly fall into a codependent relationship. If an empath’s partner becomes reliant on them for validation or to heal their wounds, while the empath becomes dependent on the feeling of importance they receive from being vital to someone’s survival, the relationship can become complicated. This dynamic can cause the empath to lower their energetic frequency to match their partner’s, leading to further emotional distress and imbalances.

Empaths often become so invested in their partner’s well-being that they neglect to take care of themselves. This tendency is especially prevalent when their partner is suffering in some way, as empaths empathize to such a degree that they will go to great lengths to provide care, even if it means risking their own emotional, mental, or physical health.

Empaths must recognize that their compassionate and nurturing abilities can sometimes lead to self-harm, as the saying goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” It’s essential for empaths to replenish themselves before pouring their energy into others.

One of the most significant factors impacting empaths’ relationships is their tendency to absorb the emotions of those they are closest to. If an empath is in a relationship with someone who experiences high levels of anxiety, suffers from depression, or has frequent mood swings, it’s highly likely that the empath will become influenced by the low-frequency energy and experience similar emotional states. Even the most awakened and advanced empath, who has worked on staying grounded and centered, may find it challenging to deflect such intense emotional energy.

Empaths are born with a natural ability to sense and feel everything within their environment, primarily to transmute energy and transform negative vibrations into positive ones. Therefore, even if empaths are skilled at recognizing when they are in the presence of someone with volatile or heavy emotions, they may still absorb some of that energy, even if only subtly and temporarily.

Maintaining a high vibration can be incredibly challenging for empaths when they are in the presence of individuals who intentionally or unintentionally lower their energetic frequency. This is especially concerning because empaths experience emotions intensely, and when they feel love, their hearts feel fit to burst, while feelings of anger or sadness can cause their energy to plummet so low that they may become demotivated and overwhelmed with resentment and rage.

Soaking up the emotional energy around them can cause empaths to develop intense connections with others that can feel like “love” at an accelerated pace. Empaths absorb not only low vibrational emotions but also high vibrational ones that resonate from those close to them. This sensitivity can cause empaths to form connections that develop quickly, are extremely intense, and possibly overwhelming.

Empaths can feel intense love in someone else’s energy field, but this emotional connection may quickly dissipate once they are no longer in that person’s company. Depending on the strength of the connection, empaths may lose the bonding feeling the moment they part ways, causing them to feel as though they are in love with someone for just a few hours before walking away and feeling no emotion whatsoever.

This emotional disconnection may feel bewildering and seem heartless, even though it is unintentional and something not all empaths are aware of. However, it is one of the reasons why it is essential for empaths to remain grounded and aware of how influential and contagious energy can be, and how powerful and intoxicating emotional connections can be.

Dealing with people who enjoy playing mind games can be a significant issue for empaths. Empaths tend to be straightforward and honest communicators, which can make it challenging for them to understand why some individuals engage in psychological games. Empaths are unlikely to play along with these games as the rules are often too complicated and confusing for them to navigate. Additionally, empaths can see through these types of games and perceive the person as inauthentic, making it challenging to build a genuine connection. This can lead to feelings of frustration and confusion for empaths, as they struggle to understand why someone would engage in such behavior.

Empaths have the capacity to see beyond the masks people wear and to sense when someone isn’t genuine or acting with integrity. Therefore, it doesn’t take long for empaths to become disappointed and frustrated if they perceive the person they are with to be untrustworthy, unfaithful, or disloyal.

Empaths have an uncanny ability to detect lies, and as the majority of people tell lies, both white and black, from time to time, it can be immensely infuriating and challenging for both parties when empaths detect dishonesty. Empaths’ heightened sensitivity to the energy and emotions around them can lead them to constantly question the authenticity of those around them, leading to feelings of frustration and conflict in their relationships.

Empaths are generally vulnerable beings who are willing to wear their hearts on their sleeves and be open, raw, and brutally honest when sharing their deepest, darkest feelings. However, not everyone is comfortable with this level of emotional depth, and not everyone knows how to communicate in this way. Therefore, it doesn’t take long for empaths to withdraw and keep their emotions and thoughts to themselves, leading to feelings of isolation and disconnection in their relationships.

This can lead many empaths to become disheartened and disillusioned with relationships, as they struggle to find someone who shares their values and can connect with them on a soul-deep level. Empaths may feel as though their emotional sensitivity is a burden, preventing them from forming meaningful connections with others who do not share their unique way of sensing and feeling the world.

If empaths are fortunate enough to find someone who is respectful, compassionate, caring, and empathetic, they can form the most loving, loyal, and rewarding relationships. In these relationships, empaths can share their deepest emotions and feel truly understood, seen, and appreciated for their unique way of sensing and feeling the world.

When empaths protect themselves by becoming consciously aware of how outside energy penetrates them, they can prevent painful and toxic energies from being absorbed into their energy field.

It can be helpful for empaths to surround themselves with others whose energies vibrate at a similar frequency, as this can help to protect them from being vulnerable and exposed to energy that can cause harm. This can be achieved by seeking out relationships with individuals who share similar values, interests, and goals, as well as engaging in activities that promote positivity and upliftment.

For empaths, self-protection is vital, and one of the most effective ways to maintain their well-being is by refusing to take on, or absorb, anything that lowers their vibration. This means being aware of their own energy levels, and actively choosing to surround themselves with positive, uplifting energies. Whether they are single or in a mutually fulfilling relationship, empaths must prioritize their own well-being, and avoid allowing negative energies to overwhelm and drain them.

By practicing grounding techniques, setting healthy boundaries, and practicing self-care, empaths can protect themselves from the negative energies that can overwhelm and drain them. This allows empaths to maintain their emotional well-being and continue to share their unique gifts of empathy and compassion with the world.

Alex Myles

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog 😊 If you’d like to show your support for my writing, you have the option to buy a ☕️ coffee by following this link 🌙

Main Image: unsplash Priscilla Du Preez


  1. I have been an empath since I was born there have been times where I wanted to be alone but the thoughts in my head are to unbearable sometimes even though I am a Scorpio I am in love with an Aries that my not always show affection but I know that I can feel it from her. My title is an empathic guardian I am a protector and a care taker I love the feeling I get when I help someone and even the one I love she is very independent but even just a hug when I leave makes me feel so much better about myself and what I am

  2. This article is the MOST comprehensive detail of an Empath, i have ever read…thankyou from my TRUE heart!!💜🌹💜🌹💜..so very right.😉💜🌹

  3. This explains it PERFECTLY! I’m single, divorced 3 years and had 2 failed relationships since. Constantly get clingers who say they “felt a connection” even though I assure them there is nothing romantic. It’s MADDENING. Now, I’m tired and confused and don’t know what I want romantically :(. Oh and I’m a Libra and have completely sworn off Aries men but they are so damn attractive to me….cripes.

    • oh wow u sounded like me, im a libra. been divorced 3 years ago, had failed two relationships as well, im currently seeing someone too but we are 7th week dating. i like him a lot.. but this whole thing driving me crazy constantly getting nervous

  4. Reading this explained so many confusing things in my life. I never really believed I was an empath until now. I, also didn’t realize that most people don’t feel things the way I do. Now I am aware of what I’ve been doing in relationships. At least I can try to make time to recharge my energy, and maybe relationships of any kind won’t completely wipe me out emotionally. Thank you for opening my eyes to whats been happening to me.

  5. This article is SPOT ON. This is why while I acknowledge that is *possible* that I might find someone with whom I am compatible & who meets my very high standards, it is *unlikely* that this will happen & I am 100% okay with that. Protecting my energy, sanity & emotional & mental health & my overall well-being is more important than being able to say that “I am not alone” (as in by myself, when frankly I LOVE & need LOTS of solitude).

  6. I am 54 years old, the mother of three amazing sons, and have had two failed marriages…both to narcissistic men. This article explains SOOOOO MUCH about the way I feel and how I view certain areas of my life! Before reading this just now, I never understood my own self and thought there was something wrong with me. I’m a Capricorn and an INFJ and connect with animals, children, and the elderly more than anyone else. I’ve never understood how I can have deep feelings for someone one minute and absolutely NOTHING the next. I’ve always called it the “Door Slam” but didn’t know why I can actually turn off my feelings like a light switch. Thank you for this profound article. I feel as if today is the first day of my new life!! ❤❤

  7. This is a fabulous article and so spot on. I would like to add that in my experience we are so used to experiencing and seeing all aspects of others that we are not very freaked out by anyone’s shadow and even feel that we might be of assistance, secretly, to help bring that person into the light even a little bit. Which we know is the most valuable and real reason we are here. It is this reason, combined with a deep love from seeing others unique love within (their spirit) that we overlook their darkside and stay longer than is healthy for us. We know, and we still stay sometimes, and, we are always deeply deeply affected by betrayal and the evil of narcissistic personalties who are drawn to us.

  8. Well said. I’m 36 and still single. It’s not that I’m not open to relationships, I’m just cautious and haven’t felt the calm yet. Thank you for the reminders on how to care for ourselves.

  9. My partner is an empath for the last 9 months but we have known each other for 18 years, it didn’t work the first time but we finally found a chance to be together so we did,it can be difficult to be with an empath but we love each other so much and I’m learning every day to understand and sometimes I get it wrong I do get frustrated because I think that i can fix things but I can’t. My partner has let me in very slowly and I am privileged and proud of how she handles life.

  10. Wow. This is so me. I have found myself in most of the situations you’ve highlighted…. Thanks alot for this. Now I know.

  11. One of my friend is an empath living in a metro city of india.she gets drained off .Should she continue living in a metro city of india or shift to smaller city

  12. Oh wow! I never knew I was an empath, but this article is me. I purposely stay away from relationships because no one understands me, hell, I’m just figuring this out now. I have strong attractions to narcissists, so I’m very careful to decipher now and run in the other direction when I meet one. Thank you for all this fascinating information about myself.

  13. I so know what this tells you and experience it all the time . i hate going out, tend to s t ay home a lot. Sucks when in a relationship.

  14. Yes… I relate to this… It can feel unsettling in every day life in relationship as I am constantly attuning to my partner. My goal is to learn how to be together accept their love and keep attuning to myself.

  15. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this. I never thought I would come across anything as this in my 35 years of life. So much made sense. So many “life questions” answered. It’s a gift and a curse but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you 🙏

  16. This is beautifully written. I’m a Virgo empath. Just got out of marriage 3. Abusive narc. I wish it was possible to find a match in love, passion and emotion. But terrible people find me. Much more peaceful to be alone.

  17. Best ever article written defining an empath. I take this as my divine confirmation and I’m printing it out to remind me of my gift as an empath (light worker). Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️.

  18. This is so me. I can never stay in long term relationships with anybody. I always need my space. I’m not a 24/7 person with anybody. I’ve no kids and like being single. I haven’t met anyone that I really liked or connected with in ages!

  19. Wow!!! This explains me to a T!! I’ve been single more time than I have been in a relationship. And the relationships that I have been in have been toxic. My relationships don’t last long.I’ve come to accept and embrace my singleness. Great article!!!

  20. Everything about this article is me! I thank you! I’ve always felt different, and could feel the people around me emotions. After 53 years, I have to continue to learn how to let everything affect me.

  21. I just stumbled upon this page and am so glad I did! I feel you were writing about me, and that nearly all these comments were written by me! I have ended two marriages and an engagement — all to narcissists. I’m now 52 and never dreamed I’d be single. People even tell me they don’t understand why I’m single because I check off all the boxes. So what’s wrong with me, I ask myself? The answer: nothing other than I’m an empath! Every bit of me is described in this article! I wish I’d learned all of this years ago. I’ve wasted so much time in abusive relationships. I thank God I’m finally starting to see my worth, and I thank you for this amazing information that helps me better understand myself!!

  22. This is amazing! I’ve never felt so understood. You’ve helped me answer so many questions about myself. I got divorced 5 years ago and it broke me. I couldn’t understand how he didn’t feel things to the same depth that I did. I mentally and physically don’t think I could survive feeling that kind of betrayal and hurt again. The thought of having a companion sounds nice but the reality is I will never allow myself to be that vulnerable again….and I’m ok with that.

  23. Thank you all! I too just stumbled upon this article and it surely does resonate with me as do many of the comments. Thank you for the insight

  24. A few days ago, a fellow empath suggested I go to Empath Planet’s website, and this is just the second article I’ve read, and I’m amazed at how wonderful and insightful EP’s articles are. Despite how challenging being an empath can be, one benefit is that the creative energy behind empathic ability can help to strengthen relationships. On Sept. 20, 2022, my wife and I were married for 50 years. My wife (who’s not an empath but is very caring, sensitive and intelligent) first noticed my empathic ability a few months after we were married. It was around Christmas of 1972 and I was working as a youth director for the YMCA and was out for an evening meeting. My wife, Annie, was home and had a bad cold. After my meeting, I went to the local pharmacy and picked up some cold medicine. As I was on the way to check out, I passed a shelf of stuffed animals, and a little lamb looked particularly cute. So, I bought it for Annie along with the medicine. When I got home, I found Annie resting in bed and watching TV. I held up the little lamb and said, “Look what I got for you.” She then burst into tears. It turns out she was watching an animated Christmas story about “The Little Drummer Boy.” The boy had had a little pet lamb that had just been run down and killed by a Roman chariot. The Little Drummer Boy had taken the little lamb to a stable and put the little lamb at the feet of the Christ child. Then the boy played his drum for the Christ child, and the little lamb had just come back to life and was now hopping and jumping around the manger. It was at that moment that I’d entered the room and handed Annie the little stuffed lamb. And that’s when she burst into tears. She has kept that little lamb all these years and has it on her vanity table in our spare bedroom. The empathic ability has always been in support of our marriage, and has keep us together throughout all the ups and downs of life. Of course it helps that Annie has a really grounded personality and is a confident, steady person. She also was a theater major in college and was used to creative types. Her father was also one of the two actual geniuses I’ve known in my life. So to say that Annie was raised with creative energy would be an understatement. Her father and mother instilled in their three daughters a faith in themselves which Annie has maintained throughout our 50 years together. Annie also jokes, someone truthfully, that she doesn’t give off any energy. And she pretty much doesn’t. But she does give off steadiness and calmness and has good judgement. So, yes, meeting a non-empath (a muggle like in Harry Potter?) with a background in a creative family was and is the high point of my life. I do have to admit to wondering sometimes what it would be like to experience the rush that two empaths get when they first interact with each other. From what I’ve been told, that can be quite a jolt of energy. However, what is helpful here on EP’s website is that empaths get to share their own experience with other empaths, and it shows me the complexity that it can sometimes seem to involve.

  25. Me!! I am going through this right now and my energy level is so low. I am in the verge or a breakup. Cannot longer handle the gaslighting, psychological/pathological mind games and even abuse of my kindness. Before getting involved in this relationship I had been single for 20 years and wanted to be in a relationship so badly! Now, I question that. My peace of mind means the world to me. I am not sure how much longer I will be able to put up with this act.

  26. 76 year old Pisces empath here. Done with being around people other than my immediate family. Living in a senior housing apartment is horrible. So many needy people. I have to hide from them as much as possible to maintain my own sanity. I feel like I’m living with a bunch of emotional vampires.

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